
Needs for change

PEOPLE smile to you. Mostly when you're by yourself strolling in a pleasant sunny day. People living by the sea and in the countryside tend to be more friendly and smiling because they have not as much  pressure or stress. I noticed that, at least. I guess it's mainly because of the fact that they leave in a place where they are not as much going on (mostly ageing population). Leaving this place I have spent over ten days makes me realise it because I am nervous about getting back to my routine life which implies studying, working (as I should) and mostly: doing nothing interesting.

Looking for the unknown.
I have found myself being really envious of a younger girl than I, who is soon-to-be journalist. I envy her not because she wants to be a journalist but for having so much ambition (and talent in writing, I have to say). I mean, I have rarely read in my life. It often takes me ages to finish reading a book. I write nothing stylish nor poetic. I wish I could change and be someone who is passionate about reading plenty of books a week, history and all that. I mean I have loads of time to do all that but somehow it's just not in me YET (there is hope)...
What you want differs from what you need.
I did some reading this afternoon, that's the good news.

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